We can interact a lot, but if there is no empathy the intensity of the dialogue will be turned off. Or worse, people will end up talking about something else, regardless of the brand, product or company in whose space they are.
The objectives, each one will have marked their own. Quantitative, qualitative or a weighted and reasoned combination of both. Whatever they may be, and whatever strategywe have implemented to achieve them, in the Social Media environment we cannot talk about success without participation, interactivity, Engagement, complicity, trust, interest, ultimately, those we have set as the target of our business.
If the Community that forms around our social media presence is not consolidated, then there is no success. Consolidating not only means growing in quantitative terms, not because our fans, but members of our groups or readers of our blogs also are necessarily on the right track.
We can grow by using accelerators to attract more people to our Community (supporting with Mass Media the call to social media, for example), but we will lose them if we don’t find them interesting and feel that we don’t pay attention to them.
Without clear goals, empathy in conversation and low latency in participation, the same way we take, it won’t get us anywhere.